C Language
Lesson 1: Basic
- A little introduction of c
- Writing program
- Keywords in c
- Data variables, Data types and rules for
- Naming and declaring data variables
- Basic data types in c
- Constants in c
- Input/output instructions
- Formulae based programs
- Operators
- If else
- If_else_if
- Nested if else
- Goto statements
- Ternary operator
- Switch case
- For loop
- While loop
- Do while loop
- What is an array?
- Array Declaration
- Array Initialization
- Accessing Individual elements of an array
- Binary and Linear Search
- Selection and bubble sort
- Two Dimensional Arrays
- Transpose of array
- Multiplication of 2d array
- Diagonal, upper and lower bound Lesson 5: Functions
- Types of functions in c
- Body of functions
- Rules of using functions
- Parameter/Arguments
- Return values
- What is pointer
- Pointer to pointer
- Pointer with function(by reference)
- What are Strings?
- String I/O
- String Manipulation Functions
- Structures
- Declaring and Accessing Structure
- Variable Uses of Structures
- Unions
- File Pointer/Opening a File
- Closing a File/ Seeking in a file
- Copy File
- Compare File
- Binary File