Ethical Hacking
Introduction to Ethical Hacking
What is Hacking
Who is a Hacker
Skills of a Hacker
Types of Hackers
Reasons for Hacking
Who are at the risk of Hacking attacks
Effects of Computer Hacking on an
Network Security Challenges
Elements of Information Security
The Security, Functionality & Usability
What is Ethical Hacking
Why Ethical Hacking is Necessary
Scope & Limitations of Ethical Hacking
What is Penetration Testing
What is Vulnerability Auditing
Foot Printing
What is Foot Printing
Objectives of Foot Printing
Finding a company’s details
Finding a company’s domain name
Finding a company’s Internal URLs
Finding a company’s Public and Restricted
Finding a company’s Server details
Finding the details of domain registration
Finding the range of IP Address
Finding the DNS information
Finding the services running on the server
Finding the location of servers
Traceroute analysis
Tracking e-mail communications
What is network scanning
Objectives of network scanning
Finding the live hosts in a network
SNMP Enumeration
SMTP Enumeration
DNS Enumeration
Finding open ports on a server
Finding the services on a server
OS fingerprinting
Server Banner grabbing tools
What is a Vulnerability Scanning
Vulnerability Scanner tools
Finding more details about a vulnerability
What is a proxy server
How does proxy server work
Types of proxy servers
How to find proxy servers
Why do hackers use proxy servers
What is a TOR network
Why hackers prefer to use TOR
Hacking Web Servers & Web Applications
What is a web server
Different webserver applications in use
Why are webservers hacked & its
Directory traversal attacks
Website defacement
Website password brute forcing
How to defend against web server
Session Hijacking
What is session hijacking
Dangers of session hijacking attacks
Session hijacking techniques
Cross-Site scripting attack
Session hijacking tools
How to defend against session hijacking
SQL Injection
What is SQL Injection
Effects of SQL Injection attacks
Types of SQL Injection attacks
SQL Injection detection tools
Evading Firewalls, IDS & Honeypots
What is a Firewall
What are the functions of a Firewall
What is an IDS
How does an IDS work
IDS tools
What is a honeypot
Types of honeypots
Honeypot tools
Honeypot detection tools
Buffer Overflow
What is a buffer
Understanding usage of buffers in
What is buffer overflow
Simple buffer overflow in C programming
How to detect a buffer overflow
How to defend against buffer overflow
Denial of Service
What is a DoS attack
What is a DDoS attack
Symptoms of a Dos attack
DoS attack techniques
What is a Botnet
Defending DoS attacks
What is Cryptography
Types of cryptography
Cipher algorithms
Public key infrastructure
What is a Hash
Cryptography attacks
System Hacking
What is system Hacking
Goals of System Hacking
Password Cracking
Password complexity
Finding the default passwords of network
devices and softwares
Password cracking methods
o Online password cracking
Man-in-the-middle attack
Password guessing
o Offline password cracking
Brute force cracking
Dictionary based cracking
Hybrid attack
USB password stealers
Elcomsoft Distributed password recovery
Active password changer
What is a keylogger
How to deploy a keylogger to a remote pc
How to defend against a keylogger
What is a sniffer
How sniffer works
Types of sniffing
o Active sniffing
o Passive Sniffing
What is promiscuous mode
How to put a PC into promiscuous mode
What is ARP
ARP poison attack
Threats of ARP poison attack
How MAC spoofing works
MAC Flooding
What is a CAM Table
How to defend against MAC Spoofing
How to defend against Sniffers in network
What is Phishing
How Phishing website is hosted
How victims are tricked to access
Phishing websites
How to differentiate a Phishing webpage
from the original webpage
How to defend against Phishing attacks
What is malware
Types of malware
o Virus
What is a virus program
What are the properties of a
virus program
How does a computer get
infected by virus
Types of virus
Virus making tools
How to defend against virus
o Worm
What is a worm program
How worms are different from
What is a Trojan horse
How does a Trojan operate
Types of Trojans
Identifying Trojan infections
How to defend against Trojans
o Spyware
What is a spyware
Types of spywares
How to defend against spyware
What is a Rootkit
Types of Rootkits
How does Rootkit operate
How to defend against Rootkits
Kali Linux
What is Kali Linux
How Kali Linux is different from other
Linux distributions
What are the uses of Kali Linux
Tools for Footprinting, Scanning &
What is Metasploit framework
Using Metasploit framework to attack
Wiindows machines
Using Metasploit framework to attack
Android devices
Wireless Hacking
Types of wireless networks
Wi-Fi usage statistics
Finding a Wi-Fi network
Types of Wi-Fi authentications
o Using a centralized authentication
o Using local authentication
Types of Wi-Fi encryption methods
o WPA2
How does WEP work
Weakness of WEP encryption
How does WPA work
How does WPA2 work
Hardware and software required to crack
Wi-Fi networks
How to crack WEP encryption
How to crack WPA encryption
How to crack WPA2 encryption
How to defend against Wi-Fi cracking
Penetration Testing
What is Penetration Testing
Types of Penetration Testing
What is to be tested
o Testing the network devices for misconfiguration
o Testing the servers and hosting
applications for mis-configuration
o Testing the servers and hosting
applications for vulnerabilities
o Testing wireless networks
o Testing for Denial of Service attacks
Counter Measure Techniques for Network level
Types of Firewall
o Packet Filtering Firewall
o Circuit-Level Gateway Firewall
o Application-Level Firewall
o Stateful Multilayer Inspection
o Limitations of a Firewall
o What is an IDS
o What is a IPS
o Difference between IDS & IPS
o Placement of IDS in the
o Configuring an IDS in the
o Placement of IPS in the
o Configuring an IPS in the
UTM / Next-Generation Firewall
o What is a UTM
o Features of UTM
o Difference between a Firewall &
o Placement of UTM in the
o Configuring a UTM in the
o Monitoring attacks using UTM
o Configuring IPS module in UTM
to detect and stop attacks
Counter Measure Techniques for Local
Identifying the Vulnerabilities of a system
Understanding the Vulnerabilities of a
o Bugtraq ID
Patch Management
o Identifying the patch for a
o Downloading the Patch
o Testing the patch for stability in
test environment
o Deploying the patch to Live
Finding the missing updates in an
Operating System
o Microsoft Baseline Security
o Belarc Advisor
Counter Measure Techniques for Malware
Scanning systems for Malware infections
Types of anti-malwares
o Anti-Virus
o Anti-Worm
o Anti-Trojan
o Anti-Rootkit
o Internet Security Suites