Nowadays, if we discuss the population of the whole the world more than that the 75% of people’s uses the internet. The Internet is nothing but the all about the Web Pages…
The website design process for the planning, the creating and updating websites. the Website design also includes the information architecture, website structure, user interface, navigation ergonomics, website layout, colors, contrasts, fonts, and more. imaging as well as the design of icons. low cost web design in nagpur
In Designing a the web site HTML is one of the most important aspects to be kept in the mind. The HTML coding commands are much simpler than the those of JAVA, PHP, .net, etc. In addition, various Internet browsers are designed to read HTML easily. Designing a website is not a very difficult task if a person follows a systematic procedure. If the procedures are not followed, it can become much more difficult than rocket science.
HTML For Website Designing:
HTML stands for the Hyper Text Markup Language and it is a primary building block of creating a website. HTML is for creating Web pages. HTML elements are the represented by tags. HTML tags identify content elements such as “heading”, “title”, “paragraph”, “table”, and so on. Browsers do not display HTML tags but use them to display the content of the page. best websit the e design the company Hyderabad
The Updated version of HTML is HTML5.HTML5 is the combination of some new technologies, like HTML, XHTML and which may be the best way to learn the web design in a more effective way. XHTML is also an option, but its rules are stricter. What websites are available on the WWW (World Wide Web) are primarily designed using HTML as the main the language. HTML is easy to learn compared to other languages.
HTML is written in the form of HTML the elements that consists of tags enclosed in square brackets. HTML is the language used to create a web page. It the works so that; a browser is a tool that reads HTML. As a result, all Internet jobs or Web page design are done in HTML. best web designing company in the nagpur
For example, while the searching for a website say the the server is actually searching for If you have created the your index.html page now we have to enter some source code in it. In some latest editors, you will find that automatic insertion of source code is done the to your file.
This is the basic code the which helps you to the design a web page. As it starts the with <html> which shows the that every code is an HTML code. Next is <head> which defines the heading for the web page. Next is <title> section under the <head> section which decides the title of the page the displayed. Finally, the last o the ne used is the <body> the section. As the name says it exhibits the body of the page in it. This body section is a vast section which has a lot of things in the it. The content to be shown o the n your web page is to be placed under this <body> section.
Basic Structure of HTML:
HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language) is the used for every single website you can find online. There is no possibility the of publishing the content online would become a nightmare. HTML is one of the easiest and simplest to learn and understand browser scripting languages out there low cost website designing